Pastor of the influential Baucalis Church in Alexandria where Alexander was bishop. Around A.D. 318, Arius challenged Alexandrian teachers by asserting that Christ’s divinity was not of the same order of God’s, since he was a created Being — sort of half-God, for "the Son has a beginning, but … God is without beginning." He spread his doctrines with simple jingles. His teaching appealed to the common people and former pagans, since it resembled the Gnosticism of their youth. Quarreled with Bishop Alexander at a synod in Alexandria in A.D. 320 and won the partial support of Eusebius, the Bishop of Nicomedia. His heresy spurred the formulation and acceptance of the Nicene Creed. All bishops present, excepting Arius and two others, accepted this creed. Arius and the remaining two bishops were consequently exiled.
[tags]Alexander, Arius, BlogRodent, church-history, ChurchRodent, Creed, Gnosticism, history, Nicene-Creed[/tags]