Charismatic Renewal

Charismatic Renewal

While the application of this term may actually be more broad than indicated here, our text uses it to refer to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, or the Catholic Pentecostalism. Leaders traced its beginnings to the spring of 1966 when two laymen on the faculty of Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, realized they lacked the power of the early Christians to proclaim the gospel. They gave themselves to prayer. They shared their concern with others on the faculty. Then, in August, 1966, two young men in attendance at the National Cursillo Convention introduced into this circle a book which had intrigued them: Protestant David Wilkerson’s The Cross and the Switchblade. After personal contacts with Protestant charismatics in the Pittsburgh area, several Duquesne faculty members received the Pentecostal baptism, marked by speaking in tongue. By the middle of February, 1967, at what historians of the movement call "the Duquesne weekend," the experience had come to a group of students and faculty on a wider scale.

By the Sixth conference in June, 1972, the 100 of 1967 became 11,500. By that time Catholic Pentecostalism was a vigorous, international movement called Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

[tags]BlogRodent, Charismatic, Charismatic-Renewal, church-history, ChurchRodent, history, Pentecostal[/tags]


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