When Luther experienced his profound conviction of faith, he began to criticize the theology of indulgences in his sermons. His displeasure increased noticeably during 1517, when the Dominican John Tetzel was preaching throughout much of Germany on behalf of a papal fund-raising campaign to complete the construction of St Peter’s basilica in Rome. In exchange for a contribution, Tetzel boasted, he would provide donors with an indulgence that would even apply beyond the grave and free souls from purgatory. "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings," went his jingle, "the soul from purgatory springs." Luther promptly drew up 95 propositions for theological debate and on 31 October 1517, following university custom, he posted them on the Castle Church door at Wittenberg.
[tags]BlogRodent, church-history, ChurchRodent, history, John-Tetzel, Peter[/tags]
this information is terrible. there is so much more about John Tetzel. you should really include more