Liberal Theology

Liberal Theology

Professor Kenneth Cauthen finds two fundamental types of liberalism. He calls them "evangelical liberalism" and "modernistic liberalism". Evangelical liberals took greater confidence in Christian experience. Modernistic liberals found greater confidence in "modern thought." Liberals believed that theology had to come to terms with science if it hoped to claim and hold the allegiance of intelligent men of the day. They refused to accept religious beliefs on authority alone. They insisted that faith had o pass the tests of reason and experience. They felts that the best clues to the nature of God were human intuition and reason. By surrendering so completely to the modern mind" liberals accepted the assumption that the universe was one grand, harmonious machine or perhaps an extremely complex growing organism. They held a very immanent view of God, "the life coursing through nature and man they called ‘God’."

[tags]BlogRodent, church-history, ChurchRodent, Evangelical, history, Liberal-Theology[/tags]


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