

According to Shailer Matthews, professor of historical theology and Dean of the Divinity School at the University of Chicago, "the modernist uses Scripture as the trustworthy record and product of a developing religion. … In discovering this experience of God and accepting it as his own religious ancestry, the modernist affirms the trustworthiness of the Scripture. … Christianity becomes not the acceptance of a literature but a reproduction of attitudes and faith, a fellowship with those ancient men of imperfect morals whose hearts found God."

All the hallmarks of liberal theology are here: 1) the evolutionary philosophy applied to religion, 2) the optimistic view of man centering in his "religious experience" and 3) the moralistic conception of God, who can so readily be "found" by man.

[tags]BlogRodent, church-history, ChurchRodent, history, Modernism, Shailer-Matthews[/tags]


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