Pope Paul III

Pope Paul III


The first pope to make a serious attempt at reforming the disorder in the Catholic Church. His reform started in the College of Cardinals, he appointed to the college a number of champions of reform, including leaders from the Oratory of Love: adoleto, Pole, and Caraffa. Also appointed a reform commission to study the conditions in the Church of Rome which issued a report in 1537. Called for a general council of the Church at Trent, Italy in 1545-53 decades after Luther’s theses appeared. Instituted the Roman Inquisition and the Index of prohibited books. Approved the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) as an official order, spiritual soldiers in his service.

[tags]BlogRodent, church-history, Church-of-Rome, ChurchRodent, history, Inquisition, Jesuits, Jesus, Pope-Paul-III[/tags]


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